Do You Have Life Insurance?

Deaths from accidents or illness are sudden and unexpected. They cause tremendous emotional and financial grief for the surviving family members . If a fatal accident or illness takes your life will you leave your family with nothing. If you have a life insurance, what if your policy isn’t enough? You can protect your family quite simply. If you are under 50 years old you can get a very nice policy with a large face value for a reasonable premium. This will provide ample funds for your end-of-life expenses, and for your family to move forward with peace of mind knowing that they will not be struggling with bills and, perhaps, a child’s college education, a place to live etc. I have seen far too many people suffer needlessly because they have not had their affairs in order. I have seen people down on the corner having a car wash in order to raise money to bury a dead loved one. How sad is that? Definitely an unnecessary situation.

If you are over 50 or up until age 75 or so and are not concerned with the younger dependents, you can certainly get a smaller more reasonable policy to cover end of life events. It is as simple as picking up the phone and making an appointment to discuss your needs. Many individuals can benefit from a combination of whole life policies and different retirement fund accounts. This allows for cash value and interest earning accounts. This is another aspect of retirement planning that we could certainly discuss on a one to one consultation.

Life & Health Insurance

Have you ever considered how much your family relies on you? From your financial contributions to raising your children, every little thing you do for your family adds up. Now, consider this – if something were to happen to you, what kind of gap would be left for your family to fill?

Planning for the future can be difficult. No one wants to think about what will happen after they’re gone, but it’s important to make sure the needs of your loved ones are covered. We are dedicated to helping you create a stable and secure foundation for your family to build from after you’re gone

There are two main types of life insurance policies to choose from and one that combines elements of both:

Term Life Insurance:

  • Coverage for a “term” or period of your life.
  • Lower premiums for higher coverage.
  • Rates can change after specific terms expire.
  • No equity – cannot be used as cash value.

Whole Life Insurance:

  • Coverage for a “term” or period of your life.
  • Lower premiums for higher coverage.
  • Rates can change after specific terms expire.
  • No equity – cannot be used as cash value.

Term and Whole Life Combined:

  • Build lifelong base of whole live coverage.
  • Supplement specific times of your life with term insurance.

Determining the best life insurance plan for you can be a daunting task. Our dedicated team can help you find a life insurance plan for your specific needs.

Health Insurance

Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle with Health Insurance

You never know when an accident may occur or a health issue will strike, so you should protect yourself with a health insurance policy so you have more options in the unpredictable case of illness.

  • US health insurance policies most often provide coverage for:
    Doctors visits
  • Prescriptions
  • Medical Testing
  • Specialized care
  • Surgical procedures

Individual Health Insurance Plans

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into effect; this law was designed to bring comprehensive health insurance reforms, hold insurance carriers accountable for costs, as well as give more consumers access to health care.

Each year, there is a period of time called “open enrollment”, which runs from November through January. During this time you can shop and apply for a new health insurance plan if you find your current plan unsuitable. Once open enrollment period ends, you cannot buy or change a plan unless you have a qualifying life event (such as losing your current coverage, getting married or having a baby).

Consumers are also offered tax credits if their household income falls below established thresholds. The law also requires penalties, based on income or number of dependents, for consumers who choose not to participate in a health care plan.

Until recently, most people got their health insurance from their employer, and those with lower incomes received coverage from the government. But more and more people are buying private health insurance plans tailor-made for individuals and families.

If you find yourself unsure of what would work best for you, we encourage you to look into getting an individual health insurance plan from Russell Financial Service Company, Inc.

Individual & Group Medical Insurance

We take pride in offering viable and affordable health insurance solutions for both individuals and businesses. Whether you’re in need of group health insurance or individual medical coverage, we work with premium carriers who understand the needs of employers and employees alike.

There are several types of medical plans to choose from including:

  • HMO – Health Maintenance Organization Plan
  • PPO – Preferred Provider Organization Plan
  • HSA – Health Savings Account Plan
  • FFS – Fee For Service Plan

With our help, you can determine which individual or group medical insurance policy will work best for your unique needs

Long Term Care

With approximately 30 million Americans turning 65 during the next ten years, it’s expected that by 2030 one in five people will be a senior citizen. This means the diagnosed rates of Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and stroke are bound to increase as well.

While viable healthcare will take care of you now, how will you account for care in the long term?

The common misconception is that Healthcare or Medicare will take care of you as you age. The truth is that healthcare providers often don’t pay for long term care. Few of us actively look forward to a future spent in a nursing home or care facility, but if we don’t plan now, we won’t have many choices down the road. Contact us and we can help you figure out a plan for the future.


Get In Touch

Rhonda Russell.

Ms. Russell has met the Federal and State qualifications and high standards in the areas of education, ethics, and licensing in all areas of her practice. All of this knowledge and expertise combined, makes her a sought after agent for retirees that need help with their estate and the accounts they want to protect during retirement


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Address: 1890 McCulloch Blvd, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Phone: (928) 453-0074
Fax: (928) 453-0075
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm