Inheritance and Lottery Winnings Specialist

Time have certainly changed, rarely is an individual in 20 or 30 years of service with a particular company that offered a retirement plan and offer benefits. Many factors have contributed to this decline of security in retirement.

As we are all aware, approximately 68% of Americans do not have savings for retirement. This will result in facing retirement with a lower standard of living and since social security cannot fully replace income in retirement, other savings are a necessity. Not all of us are heirs and heiresses!

Are you 55 to 60 years of age or older? Then protect your assets that you’ve worked so hard to accumulate and make THEM WORK for you!

How do I build my struggling IRA or 401(k) or other retirement accounts into a wealth building machine

Your IRA or 401(k)is at risk from……


Market Volatility and Crashes


Government Regulations


Changing IRS Codes


Dollar Collapse


Bank Failure




Interest Rates


Government Confiscation


Increasing Us Debt


Increased Taxation


Terrorist Attack


Cyber Hackers


And Other World Events

Typically, every 6 to 8 years since 1929, and the Great Depression there has been a market crash because of government policy, or a “bubble” of whatever nature it may have been at the time, where we can see history repeating itself. The 2000,s were a horrific display of corruption by big business and banking condoned by the government. The crisis of 2008 has not even been fixed. The response of the authorities to this particular crisis, as in past crises, was to just simply add more debt to a situation that was already caused by too much debt. The problem was not resolved at all, in fact, it was made worse. For example, trillions of new dollars have been printed out of thin air, and trillions of dollars more have been borrowed. The national debt has more than doubled, the politicians have literally dug us into a deep economic and financial hole. We are living in times where the governments and the banks are engaging in criminal market manipulation, and other acts of misconduct. This is documented by lawsuits, resulting in billions of dollars of fines being paid by these “trustworthy agencies.”

I have seen too many people in my life time sitting in front of me after a market crash, with tears in their eyes saying “I have lost my retirement, what can I do now?” How could I have the heart to tell them “there is nothing you can do now, you are too old”. This is the sad, cold truth, we are referring to individuals that do have assets, but have not taken the necessary steps to protect themselves from market correction. We would like you to take a look at what you have and re-analyze it from a new perspective. The times are changing and so are retirement accounts. Let us show you what we can do for you!

I need to clarify here that I am not a stockbroker, I am not a securities sales agent .l am a free agent, an individual who can look at anybody’s retirement and make recommendations on what to do, we provide more options than your individual retirement planner is giving you. I also want to reiterate that this is very highly federally regulated, I have to adhere to a code of ethics and ensure that nothing is missed stated, overstated, or otherwise misleading. Even if I were not, I have not build my reputation on inferior or negligent services but, rather on stellar performance resulting in our clients success and financial well-being


Typically these individuals that work for companies companies such as Merrill Lynch, Edward Jones, Oppenheimer, Wells Fargo Advisors, J.P. Morgan Chase, Charles Schwab etc. are limited in what they can do for you. They have to work within that company’s guidelines. Again, I am not limited to those choices. That is why I am telling you to REINVENT yourself, take charge, and explore and understand your options. I have a newsflash for you, it is not the norm, nor is it necessary, to stay in an account that you are going to have to recover from. Just because your broker or your financial advisor insist upon this, it is not necessary. Why recover from something when you do not have to?

So now, let’s address individuals that are perhaps 18 to 55 years of age. If you do not have a retirement account, schedule an appointment with me to find out how you can start a small one and watch it grow for the next 20 or 30 years. If you do not have a life insurance policy, schedule an appointment with me to establish one to protect your love ones in the event of your early passing.

Now for business owners, and, for your information, this group has the lowest participation rate whatsoever. I believe it is because no one explains to them what they can do. Establishing a retirement account has many benefits. Instead of paying the Internal Revenue Service huge tax liabilities every year,, you take a portion of your profit and you put into a 401(k) plan or a SEP, simplified employee pension plan, an IRA, a SIMPLE IRA, or even a profit sharing plan or a defined benefit plan, as there are many to choose from, and we will find one that suits your needs. By doing this, you reduce your self-employment tax annually, you reduce your taxable income, you now pay 10% on this income in taxes upon retirement, instead of paying 35% in self-employment today. It is a no brainer folks!!

We have touched on the elderly, seniors 55 or older, individuals between 18 and 55 or so, wage earners, and self-employed individuals, now would like to also mention that there are accounts that you can open for a child that will start them off on the right foot as well

So now we come to my conclusion, do you see a common thread here? Asset protection, wealth preservation, examining your current situation and defining or determining what changes you may possibly make in order to protect yourself and leave a legacy beyond your wildest dreams. And if you plan on leaving nothing behind, then you are most likely of the mindset that you want to accumulate as much as possible in order to enjoy it that much more. We do have the answers, all you have to do is pick up the phone and schedule a no obligation consultation. I truly hope you have found this interesting and look forward to hearing from each and everyone of you. If you personally are not interested, perhaps you know a friend or relative who may be. We are in most state and have a wealth of knowledge that can assist anyone regarding their financial situation, thank you!

Rhonda L Russell


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Rhonda Russell.

Ms. Russell has met the Federal and State qualifications and high standards in the areas of education, ethics, and licensing in all areas of her practice. All of this knowledge and expertise combined, makes her a sought after agent for retirees that need help with their estate and the accounts they want to protect during retirement


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Address: 1890 McCulloch Blvd, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Phone: (928) 453-0074
Fax: (928) 453-0075
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm